Comedian Steve Kelley Presents...
"A Night of Fun & Comedy"Tuesday, September 14, 5:30-7pm
Nationally syndicated cartoonist and stand-up comic Steve Kelley will be featured as a special engagement at the Center in September. Steve has been a political cartoonist for four decades and his cartoons have appeared in the Washington Post, New York Times, and others. You may know his work if you follow the comic strip Dustin, which he co-created with fellow cartoonist Jeff Parker. Kelley began performing comedy onstage in 1985, a pursuit that led him to several appearances on The Tonight Show.
About Steve Kelley:
For nearly four decades, political cartoonist Steve Kelley has devoted his attention to public officials the way the radiator grille of a tractor-trailer might devote its attention to June bugs. He has delighted readers by consistently consigning office-holders to the single fate they fear most – that of not being taken seriously.
Kelley’s cartoons have appeared frequently in Time, Newsweek, US News & World Report, Forbes, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Times, The Chicago Tribune and USA Today among others. They are featured routinely on news websites, including Politico, The Week, Townhall, and National Public Radio.
An honors graduate of Dartmouth College, Kelley began his career immediately after college with a twenty-year stint at The San Diego Union-Tribune. In 2001, he moved to New Orleans to become staff cartoonist for The Times-Picayune, and in 2018 joined the Pittsburgh Post -Gazette.
Kelley’s cartoons have won many awards, including the 2007 National Journalism Award from the Scripps-Howard Foundation and the 2020 National Headliner Award for his work about the Coronavirus pandemic. Not content with amusing people in print, Kelley began writing and performing comedy onstage, a pursuit that led him to seven appearances on The Tonight Show. With fellow cartoonist Jeff Parker, Kelley created and writes the popular comic strip Dustin, distributed to more than 370 newspaper clients by King Features Syndicate.
Tuesday, September 14, 5:30-7pm
$25/Member, $35/Non-Member.
Limited capacity. Ticket purchase required to reserve your seat.
This event includes a reception in the courtyard inclusive of bites and refreshments.
Purchase as Member
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