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2020 Holiday & Benefit Concert

Featuring Peter Sprague, Leonard Patton and Tripp Sprague
Thursday, December 10, 2020, 6pm


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Our 2020 Virtual Holiday and Benefit Concert will be streamed LIVE on YouTube on Thursday, December 10, 6pm. Click here for the concert link.


Join us for an evening of beautiful live music, raffles and silent auction! Your sponsorship and participation means the world to us and allows us to continue to provide quality programs and events for the seniors in our community. 

Attending the concert is FREE and open to all, but contributions are appreciated and will allow us to continue planning and providing programs and services in 2021. 


Silent Auction 

Click here to view and bid on our silent auction items. You must register and create a profile to bid. 100% of proceeds will benefit the LJCC, so  bid generously! Auction will end on Thursday, December 10, 7:30pm, after our Holiday Benefit Concert. 


Raffles will be held throughout the concert. Stay tuned!


Please see the various Sponsorship and Attendance Levels below. 


All contributions are tax-deductible. Thank you for your continuous support!

Tickets for Virtual Concert

If you would like to support at a higher level, please use the button named "Support with Other Amount" or see sponsorship levels below.


Registration for the concert is required. A link will be sent out 48 hours before the concert with reminders as the event nears.


All who register at the support level of $100 or more will be entered for a raffle for dinner at Nine-Ten restaurant. The winner will be drawn during the concert on December 10. You do not have to be present to win.

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Meet Our Sponsors!

Sponsorship Levels

Sponsors will be acknowledged on our website, eNews and social media.

This event would not be possible without you! THANK YOU!

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