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Completion New Roof and Solar Panel Project: Lots to Celebrate!


La Jolla Community Center celebrates the completion of its solar project with the installation of its new solar panels that were operational as of the end of February. The two-year roof and solar project was made possible with funding, donations and dedication of many.

“In our own small way, we will be contributing to the stability of the electrical grid by generating a substantial amount of power during the period of greatest demand on the hottest days of August and September,” said Don Hodges, LJCC board member and chair of the Facilities Committee.

“As a result, we can prioritize comfort for members and guests that use the Center without being concerned about a large electrical bill later.” The project features 29 panels that produce 11,700 watts of electricity. They will generate enough power for all electricity used by the Center annually, with an annual energy cost reduction from $5,400 to $200.

CEO Ruth Yansick, who was instrumental in working with partners and securing funds for the two-year project explained that the energy cost savings will be used to forward the mission and programs of the Center, including those focused on isolated seniors in our community.

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