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Help us Create a New Computer Lab Inside the Center


The La Jolla Community Center is excited to announce the recent launch of a corporate fundraiser it’s calling Senior Connect. The Center’s vision is to provide a new computer lab & equipment, multiple levels of curriculum and expanded transportation. “Our vision is to make a difference in the lives of seniors and their families. We want seniors to gain more independence in the use of their iPhones and iPads and computers so they can conduct online banking, order food, make reservations, access medical records and connect with friends and families,” said Ruth Yansick, the Center’s CEO, adding that the Center “is dedicated to helping them meet their needs.”

There are four levels of corporate support from Platinum to Bronze. If you know a corporate executive, a banker, a hospital administrator—please tell them about our project and have them contact Barbara Graf, marketing director at (858) 775-7787. Let make this vision a reality!

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