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SeniorConnect: Using Popular Apps on Your iPhone
For Intermediate users

This class will review step-by-step instructions on 4 of the most popular Apps on your phone. Lear to use apps to to request rides, order delivery meals and groceries and how to listen to your favorite music. REQUIRED: Apple ID and password is needed to download applications.
November 9: Uber (Rides/Transportation)
November 16: Uber Eats (Meal Delivery)
November 23: Vons (Grocery Delivery)
November 30: Pandora (Music)

Wednesdays, November 9, 16, 23, 30. 12:30-1:30pm. Course
$20/M, $40/NM. Drop-In $10/M, $15/NM.

Using Popular Apps on Your iPhone - Member

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